Men’s Group
Join a group of men who are dedicated to sharpening one another by serving one another in love. Meetings are held the second Sunday of every other month immediately after service.
Women of Faith
We love to meet, cook, chat, and pray for one another. These activities build each woman up to become the women God has called us to be in our homes. Meetings are held the second Sunday of every month immediately after service. Prayer Sessions are the second Saturday at 9AM of every month.
Youth Ministry
We believe that our youth are the leaders of tomorrow so we choose to build them up in the knowledge of Christ. Meetings are held the second Sunday of every month immediately after service.
Children’s Ministry
This ministry is for Children aged 12 and below. They have their own service every Sunday morning at 11.
Choir & Music Ministry
Worship is our lifestyle. Do you have a gift in music? We’d love for you to be part of us. Choir/band practice is every Saturday at 4pm to prepare for Sunday services.
Evangelism & Prayer
The EPM's responsibility is to evangelize God's Word to people.
Mid-Week Prayer Session: Wednesdays at 7pm
Pastoral Care Team
The Pastoral Care Team's responsibility is to visit any family in the church that is in need of support. They offer emotional and prayerful support to various church families.